🧬Roach breeding

Breeding is at the core of Roach Racing Club, and players are competing in creating the most stellar genotype. Our evolutionary breeding model is powered by polyhybrid crossing, mutation, and cross-generational inheritance. It’s all about your strategy when it comes to breeding roaches in order to produce offspring with desired traits.

Thanks to the dynamic environment on the racetracks in the Roach Racing Club universe, even weak genes can become effective in racing.

The structure of the Roach Racing Club breeding model allows you to get high-performing roaches within any generation, the success depending largely on your strategic thinking. Unlike any other models, it provides a balanced distribution of meaningful opportunities among both early and late adopters.

Roach NFT

Roaches are NFTs with unique genetics. The Genome of a roach is stored as a byte array. For Genesis roaches, those bits are filled using Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function). The Genome is designed as a combination of slots. Each slot can store a gene that represents a roach trait. Traits determine the visual appearance of a roach and its biological racing performance as each trait carries positive and negative effects at the same time for the roach biology parameters. Such genetic structure and trait system create an endless opportunity for breeding and selection so that even weak genes can combine into a high-performance roach. A roach NFT stores information about a roach and its family tree.

In addition to genetics and biology, each Roach NFT has an inborn connection to a certain crypto asset such as BTC, ETH, etc. (the full list of assets to be determined…) and a direction such as "bullish" or "bearish". The performance of the crypto-asset on the market influences the performance of the Roach on the racetrack. So for example, a bullish BTC roach will favor price growth and get a speed bonus when the BTC price rises, while a bearish BTC roach will favor the decrease in price.

Roach Genetics consists of:

  • Genome

  • Generation Level

  • Resistance

  • Flavor

Genetics is a sum of all the properties that determine the racing ability of a roach.

Visual traits include:

  • Antennae

  • Eyes

  • Mouth

  • Head

  • Body

  • Wings

  • Legs

  • Background

The overall roach NFT structure is as follows:

struct Roach {

uint[] genome;

uint[2] parents;

uint creationTime;

uint birthTime;

uint generationLevel;

uint resistance;


There will be a function to get traits directly from the contract.


Generation Level refers to the number of generations separating a roach from the original Genesis roaches on the family tree.

Evolutionary mechanics, inspired by nature, allow you to produce better-performing species from generation to generation.

Evolution creates demand for the $MTGN and $RRC tokens required for breeding.

The generation count is unlimited. The higher the generation of a roach – the higher the chance to produce a high-performing offspring with more positive mutations.

The Generation Level is calculated according to the formula:

For example, if a roach of G18 generation breeds with a roach of G24 generation, the offspring will be of G25 generation.

It is impossible to get a roach of G0 generation via breeding. The lowest possible outcome for an offspring is G1 generation, occurring only through the breeding of two roaches both of G0 generation.


Resistance determines the lifespan of roaches and affects the racing ability in some aspects, and on average will degrade with each next generation. Resistance brings balance to the game by preventing hyperinflation and incentivizing players to participate in racing.

Players can breed any roach with a Genesis roach or any other roach with high Resistance to produce offspring with higher Resistance than that of its parent.

Resistance formula:

Resistance and Roach lifespan correlation:

Resistance, %
Lifespan, days

= 100


>= 80


>= 70


>= 60


>= 50


>= 40


>= 30


>= 20


>= 10


>= 0


Genesis roaches have the highest Resistance equal to 100%. It means that a Genesis roach lives forever even without any physical activity.


The Flavor is a property that provides genetic variability and determines roach Class. Introduced to balance the system in relation to inbreeding and create incentives for the DNA bank and secondary market for roaches.

Unlike other models on the market, where the attributes of creatures can remain the same or degrade through reproduction, we offer a bidirectional property that can either increase or decrease depending on breeding decisions.

Strong Flavor reduces the chances of negative mutations and as a result roaches with strong Flavor have more chances to perform better on race tracks.

The Flavor is calculated using the entire ancestors’ graph. Good Flavor indicates that a roach has a lot of unique ancestors. For all Genesis roaches, Flavor is set to 1.

For next generations of roaches, Flavor is calculated according to the formula:

where U is the unique Genesis parents count in the entire parent graph.




3 - 3.9


2 - 3


1.01 - 2



Water (Genesis)

0.5 - 0.99


0.1 - 0.5


0.01 - 0.1




Genetic Mutations

There is a rare possibility of gene mutations. Mutations can make genes weak, broken, or change into unique new types.

Also, there is a possibility to duplicate a set of genes and get several copies of each gene. Offspring can inherit some gene copies from one parent and some from another. In future generations, some duplicated genes can mutate into broken variants.

Inbreeding can provide a situation where all the same genes in an offspring are broken. In this case, the roach will be very weak in racing.

On the other hand, inbreeding can place a good gene in the right position and you will get a roach that will act as a good parent with a clean Genome.

Another way to increase the quality of genes is to breed with a Genesis roach that is not present in your family tree or its direct offspring.

DNA Bank

Roach Racing Club introduces DNA samples as NFTs and DNA Bank as a groundbreaking innovation in breeding mechanics. It creates a market for genetic material, makes the breeding process convenient, and allows players to monetize their assets and breeding skills.

The owner of a roach can tokenize its DNA profile up to 7 times by creating DNA samples in the form of NFT.

Requirements for creating a DNA sample NFT:

  • A roach with a sufficient breed count

  • Enough $MTGN for the current breeding fee

  • 1 $RRC for the DNA sampling fee

As a result of sampling the player receives an NFT token with a DNA sample containing the genetic information of the roach which can be used for breeding.

DNA sample NFT can be used by any player as the source of genetics for one of the two breeding parents. The second parent must be a living roach in the player’s ownership.

DNA sample NFTs are freely transferable and tradeable and can be stored indefinitely. DNA Bank acts as an internal marketplace for breeding. Players are able to easily trade DNA NFTs and find suitable breeding materials to meet their selection goals.

How to breed

Before you start, define your breeding goals and strategy. For example, you want to breed a new champion with certain visual traits or specific properties suitable for particular track conditions, to get a roach with high Resistance or Flavor, a roach for sale or breeding, or to reach some combination of these goals.

Breeding rules

  • Fully on-chain mechanics

  • Roaches are hermaphrodites (intersex)

  • No restrictions, breeding is possible with any roach

  • No breeding cooldown for parents

  • Newborn roaches can breed after one week of birth

  • Breeding requires having either two roaches or a roach and a DNA sample

  • Each roach has a breed limit

  • Breeding a new roach or DNA sampling requires $MTGN

  • Each DNA sampling additionally requires $RRC

Breeding process

To breed a new roach you either need two roaches both with sufficient breed count or one roach and a DNA sample.

To start the breeding process the player initiates a transaction and pays a breeding fee in $MTGN to spawn an egg. One week after the egg is created, the owner can give birth to a roach by revealing the egg. To achieve it, the player has to call the birth transaction.

Roaches can participate in racing right after birth and can breed one week after birth.

Last updated

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